Invitations for the new Open Spirit Courses are going out today!
After months of conversations, planning, writing and preparation it feels deeply meaningful to send out invitations, dates and details and then wait and watch as the mysterious spiritual alchemy of a group coming together unfolds.
I experience all spiritual community as emerging mysteriously from the deep stream of life. My role initially seems to be a kind of quiet listening... to hopes and longings, needs and questions... both within myself and others until a certain kind of purpose or beginning starts to crystallise.
After quiet conception, there's a gestational growth spurt of active organisational work, as basic structures, from course outlines to venue, start to take form and move towards a new birth.This early stage isn't possible without some parenting and support, such that already 'two or more are gathered' like a seed crystal holding the blueprint for a community to build on.
So I'd like to acknowledge the encouragement and enthusiasm of Beth Thomas, who will be assisting me in offering these new courses. I've been privileged to supervise Beth as she writes her dissertation for an MSc at Schumacher College, in which she is making her own exploration of the fourfold way of knowing so central to my own understanding and experience of holistic spirit. I'd also like to honour the generosity of Juliette Rich who has offered to be our host in her newly refurbished and beautiful period home and garden in central Dartington (picture above). A loved and lovely home base is such a helpful vessel and holding for group work.
I'm also deeply grateful to soul friends Helen, Jan, Karen, Debbie and others who have shared their hopes and longings and encouraged me to share my own and create this new beginning. Everything emerges out of relationship, with the Source and with each other. Thank you.
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